Lower Technology Costs with Nuela
Hi, I’m Imanuela, I have decades of experience in IT across a range of verticals including Government, Retail and Financial Services.
I specialise in optimising costs by streamlining business processes through automation, technology rationalisation, and providing strategic leadership in startups and SMEs.
My super power is building trust and delivering solutions of the highest standards that are perfectly matched to the desired goals. Let me help your business save money with innovative strategies and outcome-focused delivery.
Recent Successes
Telephony Consolidation & Cost-Reduction: 2024: Standalone telephony platforms consolidated across disparate functions with cost-savings of over £250K per year realised.
Business Process Automation 2023/24: Delivered a corporate automation strategy and drove the transformation of business processes across the business yielding cost-savings of £50K in first 6 months.
SaaS Stack Audit & Rationalisation: 2023/24: Application and licence audit with recommendations projecting cost-savings of 450K per annum. Implemented options realised £80K in 1st year.
Let's Get Started
Contact - Reach out for an initial chat.
Discovery - We'll conduct a high-level analysis to understand your unique requirements.
Proposal - We’ll discuss the business terms and specifics relating to your needs.
Planning - Together, we'll agree on the targets and outline the plan.
Delivery - We’ll execute the plan to achieve your goals.